The Rescue Remedy is the most well known part of the Bach Original Flower Remedies which is a system of 38 wild flower remedies developed by Dr Edward Bach [1886-1936].
It was first made by Dr Edward Bach in England in the 1930s and is still made in accordance with the traditional methods he developed many decades ago.
The Rescue Remedy has been used by generations and is trusted as a safe, gentle and effective remedy to help restore inner calm and control. It’s relied upon for a wide range of everyday stressful situations as it can be taken by anyone, anywhere.
1 Star of Bethlehem for shock, trauma
2 Rock Rose for terror, panic
3 Clematis for dreamy, semiconscious
4 Cherry Plum for fear of reason giving
way and
5 Impatiens for inner tension and irritability.
RR is the best first aid for all emergencies and
trauma. It will help a person who
is injured, en route to hospital. It promotes calmness and restores mental balance
in diverse situations of stress, emergency and trauma. But it is not a
substitute for professional medical care.
One can get RR in any Homeo
Pharmacy as 10 ml bottle [globule] or 30 ml bottle [tincture] for a very nominal
price. Many people keep RR in their purse, at the
office, in the car or in the diaper bag. You never know when you need it. One globule or one drop of tincture in a
tablespoon of water may serve as one dose. Doses may be repeated if necessary
once in an hour or part thereof depending on the emergency.
Here are
a few situations in every day life where RR will prove very useful: When we are in mental turmoil such as after a
family row or on witnessing a family calamity. An impending event such as an operation or a
critical interview. Childbirth, Abortion,
trauma after an accident, etc. If a
patient is unconscious, smear RR tincture on the lips, temples, back of neck
and wrists.
The possible uses of
RR are practically unlimited. I conclude
with an illustration from my personal life.
It happened in May 1980. Our new-born male child was in ICU. We were informed that the chances
of its survival was only 50:50. I was
preparing myself and my wife for any eventuality by taking a dose of RR each, every
30 minutes. After 3 hours when it was pronounced dead, we were the only two,
who did not shed tears.
For more information on the Rescue Remedy, the readers are referred to the original writings of Dr. Edward Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies [1933] [Click Here].